General Motors, Zurich 

General Motors, Zurich Working as a supplier for local planning and project- / construction management for Agilité on the realisation of General Motors’ Cadillac City in Zurich, Bahnhofstrasse.Read the full case study, here. Photos: General Motors, Zurich Back to the...

Sony Music

Sony Music For Sony Music, we had the opportunity to accompany the relocation within Zurich and the tenant fit-out at the new location in 2022/23, as well as carry out the tenant-side dismantling at the old location. In our role as owner’s representatives and...


SPECIALIZED HUNENBERG In 2021 Specialized increased towards a second location at Hünenberg, Zug. Dorrhauer & Partner has been allowed again to lead design & construction for tenant fit-out, arranged for the move and overlooked the project on time, cost &...


GOOGLE ZURICH On behalf of ISG Deutschland GmbH we (Daniel Dorrhauer, Mitra Dorrhauer, Ronny Paschen) were allowed to take over and lead the project and construction management. 432 jobs were created in a building with a floor area of 7,800 m2. A gastronomy and sports...


ZURICH UNIVERSITY OF ARTS – TONI AREAL Since 2014 Dorrhauer & Partner continuously provides management service for design, construction, and operation within the building Toni-Areal in Zurich on behalf of the building owner and various other Clients. Photos:...